Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Getting in Soccer Shape

As Fall arrives it marks the beginning of soccer season. whether you are trying out for a team or simply getting ready for the upcoming season, we have some tips that may help you get ready.


No matter what position you play, running is very important. You should be trying to run everyday. At least run 1 mile per day everyday, 2 miles every couple of days and shoot for a 3 mile run at least once a way to really build up your stamina. Try to also mix in your runs with jogging and suicides to really build up those muscles.

2.Drink water

Get in the habit of drinking water everyday, the last thing you want is getting cramps in practice or game.

3.Agility drills

Agility drills will help you improve your foot speed and coordination. You want to partner up with a friend and have him or her run randomly, change pace and direction. Stay a couple of yards away and shadow every movement from your partner. Try to do this everyday if possible.

4.Cut soft drinks

No soda, if you enjoyed nice soft drinks during the summer is time to give it up. There's no point in doing the steps above if you are going to be drinking soft drinks.

5.Play some pick up

Playing pick up soccer is a great way to get back into soccer shape. If you can find some competitive games even better.

As you can see, getting into soccer shape is not complicated, and the sacrifices made are well worth it.



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